Forse non tutti Conoscono questo incredibile programma per realizzare immagini e filmati in 3d, blender è un software nativo per linux (madisponibile anche per gli utenti windows) e sopratutto è completamente gratis.
inoltre periodicamente, per dimostrare le potenzialità di questo software, gli sviluppatori, realizzano dei cortometraggi davvero molto interessanti
ecco il Terzo:
Sintel (2010)
Project Durian was the third Open Movie, which started in september 2009 and premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival end of september 2010.
With a much larger team and bigger budget, the targets were very ambitious, resulting in a 15 minute short film that has found much acclaim on the web. Especially story telling and editing has been paid much attention to.
Development targets mainly focused on getting Blender 2.5 more stable and usable, getting sculpting tools improved, efficient detail rendering and Global Illumination rendering.
Production blog:
Director: Colin Levy (USA)
Art Director: David Revoy (France)
Script: Esther Wouda (Netherlands)
Artists: Angela Guenette (Canada), Soenke Maeter (Germany), Ben Dansie (Australia), Pablo Vazquez (Argentina), Dolf Veenvliet (Netherlands), Nathan Vegdahl (USA), Lee Salvemini (Australia), Beorn Leonard (Australia/UK), Jeremy Davidson (Australia/UK)
TDs: Brecht van Lommel (Belgium), Campbell Barton (Australia)
Music and Sound design: Jan Morgenstern (Germany)
Producer: Ton Roosendaal (Netherlands)