ecco un trailer del nuovo capitolo della saga “Street Fighter” il quinto per l’esattezza, il trailer mostra una sequenza di gioco con protagonista Zangief (personaggio reso celebre anche dal film disney Ralph Spaccatutto) la grafica sembra molto buona ma non mi sembra che aggiunga niente di nuovo a questo filone dei picchiaduro.
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Buona Visione
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In Minecraft: Story Mode, playing as either a male or female hero named ‘Jesse,’ you’ll embark on a perilous adventure across the Overworld, through the Nether, to the End, and beyond. You and your friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect; slayers of the Ender Dragon. While at EnderCon in hopes of meeting Gabriel the Warrior, Jesse’s friends discover that something is wrong… something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and you must set out on a quest to find The Order of the Stone if you are to save your world from oblivion.
Affascinante trailer del nuovo capitolo del videogames “Call of duty”
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is a dark, gritty future where a new breed of Black Ops soldier emerges and the lines are blurred between our own humanity and the cutting-edge military robotics that define the future of combat.
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ecco due interessanti tralier appena rilasciati sul canale Playstation:
Broken Age – Launch Trailer PS4, PS Vita
Broken Age is a timeless coming-of-age story of barfing trees and talking spoons. Vella Tartine and Shay Volta are two teenagers in strangely similar situations, but radically different worlds. The player can freely switch between their stories, helping them take control of their own lives, and dealing with the unexpected adventures that follow.
The first graphic adventure by Tim Schafer in sixteen years, Broken Age began two years ago in a historic, record-breaking Kickstarter campaign. Now it’s here in all it’s beautiful, 2D, hand-painted glory, with an original orchestral soundtrack and an all-star vocal cast.
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Tinertia – Gameplay Trailer PS4
Tinertia is rocket-powered platforming geared toward the streaming generation and built on the premise of Quake-like fun, Sonic-like speed, and dynamic, precision controls. Addictive, surprising, and challenging, Tinertia makes gamers laugh while kicking their butt. Visit for more information.
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Riportiamo dal canale ufficiale Playstation
Coming June 23, 2015, Batman: Arkham Knight is the epic conclusion to the Rocksteady Batman: Arkham Trilogy.
For the first time ever, watch Batman: Arkham Knight’s exciting new “Dual Play” mechanic in action as you switch seamlessly between The Dark Knight and his allies including Robin, Nightwing, and Catwoman in free-flow combat.
With his back against the wall, Batman turns to his closest allies to help him save Gotham City from the clutches of Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight’s army. A familiar face also returns to give The Dark Knight a message he cannot ignore…
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Ecco un interessante trailer su Star Wars Battlefront, sul web ho notato commenti molto variegati frà chi lo aspetta con ansia e chi teme che sarà un pacco, io propendo piu per il pacco però i tempi sono quelli che sono e di pacchi ne arrivano davvero tanti.
il video è interessante quindi se avete 2 min da perdere buttateci un occhio
Buona Visione
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