Caricato in data 13/lug/2008
Kingdom Hearts II Live action (fan film), performed by Cosplayers Within and friends.
Shot in may-july 2008.
Self-made cosplay and Keyblades (Kingdom Key, Way to Dawn, Kairi’s keyblade, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, StarSeeker, Photon Debugger).
Special visual effects made with Adobe After Effects; edited with Sony Vegas.
Sora: Japo (me^^)
Kairi: Rikkyna
Riku: Tiddy
Naminé: Sba
Roxas: TidTid
Axel: Kaname
Olette: Chido
Nobodies: Maru and Kayley
Cloud S
trife: Dante88
Jack Sparrow: Crybio
Elizabeth Swann: Sorceress Rinoa
Will: LucasCarribbean