Movies Elephants Dream (2006)

Forse non tutti Conoscono questo incredibile programma per realizzare immagini e filmati in 3d, blender è un software nativo per linux (madisponibile anche per gli utenti windows) e sopratutto è completamente gratis.

inoltre periodicamente, per dimostrare le potenzialità di questo software, gli sviluppatori, realizzano dei cortometraggi davvero molto interessanti

ecco il primo:


Elephants Dream (2006)

Project Orange, the first Open Movie, started in September 2005 and premiered end of March 2006. The ambitions and targets for Orange were set very high, the character animation system had to be fully recoded, the rendering system needed a lot of upgrades, and most of all: a node-based Compositor was required.

Elephants Dream was co-produced with the Netherlands Media Art Institute, who challenged the team to explore an abstract concept and storyline. This 10 minute short shows two people who explore a strange mechanical world, with each an entire own perception on what’s actually there. The emotional ending shows once more the violent impact of mixing reality and fantasy.


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